Sunday, 19 October 2014

Try Again

Do your best to see a plan through.
If you fail
Never the end.
Pick yourself up,
Dust yourself,
Go at it again.

Never give up!
Success is yours
You just need to be fearless
Enough to have it.
Not to concede
For perseverance pays.

Failure, evil twin of success
Got married to history.
She bore him kids
Ignore them.
Keep your eyes on the prize.

Do not budge to those trials
Look into that mirror
See yourself star-studded
After victory visits you.
Go grab that encore
You truly deserve it.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Carpe Diem

De brevitate vitae,
Memento mori
Make the best of today
For what tomorrow offers
No one knows not 
Gaudeamus igitur
For now we're alive
Someday we'll be gone.
No one knows not.
Like the adage,
Gather your rosebuds while you may.
Nunc est bibendum.
Nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus.
Worry less,
Act first,
Shouldn't be a fool's errand.
Life, nature's gift.
Carpe diem!

Not A Tribute!

Lost ones,
Loved ones,
Souls endeared in our hearts.
We miss you.
Yesterday you were awake
Today you're asleep forever.
Life's ugly cousin came like a reaper
Put out the lights
And darkness forced an entry.
Out of the silence
Wailing broke free
Just then and only then,
Motion pictures began to roll out
The good times, 
The bad as well.
Our only memory of you.
Oh my!
A void has opened
Never to be filled.
Seeing you lay before us
We hope you would wake.
Tears cascade
Seeing you reconcile with dust.
Truly you're gone.
No Goodbyes.

Thursday, 9 October 2014


A disease
A canker
One that has swept the globe with segregation.
One that names a color for our skin.
Apex, white
Black relegation.
X, King, Madiba
Nemesis this force made
One to be reckoned with.
Bloodshed for this devil.
Present day, insults taken for this devil.
Aren't we all one unit?
Same body form
Yet the inferior color
As supposed, a slave
Not to man
Rather an ideology
One that has had life for 2 100s
Still counting.
A cleansing,
Desperately needed.
The anticipated saviour.
Equality entirely
So black squares can fit in white circles.
That self-belief,
the black man
Coloured people
Imbibed with no white culture
Make the summit too

Sunday, 5 October 2014


They are called!
The gunrunner's got a run for his money.
It's called!
Globe-trotting all 7
No proper control!
Profits set up governments
Definitely no control!
Control? Call them licenses.
Easy to acquire
Still no control!
Caused proliferation,
Gave birth to blood diamonds
Salone style!
The Taylor curse!
Genocide, Civil war, Coup d'etat
Other relatives
All in Africa.
Take a peep into present day Syria's Look book.
Destruction by these toys.
Soviets wrestling Ukraine 
Just to kick them out Crimea
Guess what is being used!
These toys!!
Turning lives into statistics
Israel and Hamas do daily!
Like Pac quoted,
"That's the way it is"
Could it ever change?
Death by these toys
Hero or villain
What do you exit as?!
Mike Brown?!!
Cop villain;
People's hero.
They come with safety locks
Yet never safe.
Some day...
The world would see demise.
Causative agents...
These toys!
Advocacy for the red octagon, 
Proper control on the use of these
Not influx!
Have a campaign on that!
Lets save lives.
Can't be toys!!!